Tanzania-The Ultimate Guide To Planning A Tanzania Safari - Majuli Island- The First Riverine District of India

Tanzania-The Ultimate Guide To Planning A Tanzania Safari

Tanzania-The Ultimate Guide To Planning A Tanzania Safari

Tanzanian safari will, at first glance, be a daunting prospect.

It can be a daunting challenge to find out when to visit, where to stay and how long to spend at each venue, but we are here to help!

This safari planning guide in Tanzania will encourage you to prepare your dream trip and you can always contact one of our safari experts to help make your plans a reality. Easy travel offering many useful tips about Tanzania safari, Would you want to learn more about those tips then check my blog. These tips assist you to form a secure journey.

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The Ultimate Travel Guide

When to schedule a safari in Tanzania 

Deciding which time of year to visit. Tanzania can have a huge impact not only on which parks to visit and what to see on Tanzania safari but also pricing.

Calving Season: December to March

Named for the annual calving season of Wildebeest Migration, the calving season ranges from December to March and is most notable for the presence of Wildebeest Migration in the Serengeti.

Tens of thousands of baby Wildebeest are taking their first steps at this time of year.

Although hotels can be difficult to find during Christmas and New Year's, calving season is nevertheless a great time to visit Tanzania. Crowds aren't as big as they are in peak season, but the weather is good.

Green Season: April and May 

It may not seem like a great time to go on a Tanzania safari in the rainy season, but the lower crowds mean you'll have access to luxurious lodges at a much lower rate.

Although tented camps and camping are not suitable in the wet conditions, in the rainy season, luxury lodges are more accessible.

Peak Season: June to September 

Undoubtedly the most common time of year to visit Tanzania safari, June through September is marked by the movements of the Wildebeest Migration from the Southern Serengeti to the Maasai Mara in Kenya.

The best time to visit is for those who want to see the herd in action and have the chance to witness a river crossing at Grumeti or the Mara River.

High season, of course, also means higher prices and more traffic to deal with but many find that the extra costs and crowds are worth it for the opportunity to see a Mara River crossing.

Shoulder Season: October and November 

Sometimes referred to as the short rainy season, October and November in Tanzania are another quiet time of year.

With the Wildebeest Migration at this time of year in the Maasai Mara, the chances to see the herd are slim.

Although lodges aren't as cheap as they are in the rainy season, the parks have fewer crowds.

Also, the weather is better than in the long rainy season, making it a good time to avoid the crowds without the rain.

Once you've figured out what time of year you'd like to have your Tanzania safari, it's time to figure out which parks to include in your trip.

Without visiting its two crown jewels, the Must-See No safari to Tanzania would be complete: Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Serengeti National Park 

The Serengeti is one of the most famous wildlife areas in the world and has been hosting the Wildebeest Migration for a long time.

The Central Serengeti's Seronera region is one of the park's most frequented corners due to its large cat population.

The Grumeti area in the west of the park is host to an annual crossing of the often ignored Grumeti River.

The Northern Serengeti is host to the high drama of crossings of the Mara River from July through August. At this time of year, this park area is hugely popular.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area 

Descending to the Ngorongoro Crater floor is just as popular as a game drive on the Serengeti plains.

Home to the largest population of rhinoceros in Tanzania, Ngorongoro Crater is also a great place to see lions, elephants, buffalo, hyenas, hippos and much more.

Although it is the most expensive park in Tanzania, its spectacular view of the game and its strategic location between the Serengeti and Arusha make it a must-see on every Tanzanian itinerary.

The Worthwhile Ngorongoro and the Serengeti are undoubtedly the most popular parks in Tanzania, but the Lake Manyara and Tarangire twin parks are also worthy add-ons to your Tanzania safari.

On top of that, nearby Eyasi Lake offers an unforgettable cultural experience.

Lake Manyara National Park 
Famous for its tree-climbing lions and variety of birdlife, Lake Manyara National Park is a particularly charming park during the rainy season, when wallowing hippos and colorful flamingos are home to its waters.

The Lake Manyara is a great stop off between Arusha and Ngorongoro, one of the few places in Tanzania where you can embark on a canoe safari or night game drive.

Tarangire National Park is one of Tanzania's most unique parks, with its distinctive baobab trees and the largest elephant population in Tanzania.

The park is an excellent place to spot lions, elephants, baboons, giraffes, and zebra, especially good during the dry season when its population gathers along the banks of the Tarangire River.

Eyasi Lake 

Although not a National Park, Eyasi Lake remains a standard addition to Tanzania safari itineraries.

Home to the Hadzabe people, Lake Eyasi provides Tanzanian tourists a rare opportunity to interact with one of the most ancient and fascinating cultures in Tanzania.

Despite the rapid development of Tanzania, the Hadzabe maintains their hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and visitors can embark on a hunting expedition with the Hadzabe and experience village life as well.

If you have time, many Tanzanian tourists only have 5-7 days to spend on safari, but there is plenty to hold your attention for those with a little extra time.

Arusha National Park 

While Arusha National Park cannot boast of large mammals like elephants or predators like leopards and lions, the park is a common addition to Tanzania safaris, however.

The only spot in Tanzania where you can have a game drive, a walking safari or a canoe safari in the same area the absence of predators from Arusha National Park makes this a fun prospect.

Bird-watchers and primate fans are in for a treat because the park is home to birds and monkeys found in Tanzania nowhere else.

Natron Lake 

Popular for its volcanic scenery, Natron Lake is also a popular option for those wishing to see the brightly colored flamingos from Africa.

While the region has less wildlife and lodges than other areas of the country, the proximity of Lake Natron to the Serengeti and its spectacular scenery makes it a popular choice.

Mount Kilimanjaro 

Not everyone who visits Tanzania aspires to scale the highest mountain in Africa, but without having to climb it, it is perfectly possible to visit the Roof of Africa.

For those with an interest in Tanzanian culture, tours of the nearby town of Marangu offer a nice change of pace, while the more athletic can enjoy a one day guided hike on the mountain.

Empaakai Crater 

The Empaakai Crater within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a popular choice for those who want to get out of the car and stretch their legs.

Accompanied by an armed policeman, before descending to the shores of Lake Empaakai, you must walk to the rim of Empaakai Crater.

You'll have the opportunity to see several animals and birdlife along the way.

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The Wildebeest Migration

The Wildebeest Migration is an annual migration of over 1,000,000 Wildebeest and Zebras from the Serengeti Ndutu region to and back to the Maasai Mara.

Every year, the Migration travels across the Serengeti, a hugely popular occurrence and can be seen throughout the year.

The Serengeti is the best place to see this large herd of wildlife, with the herd being in various parts of the park at different times. While it is impossible to predict precisely where the herd will be on any given day, there would be a rough guideline: 
  • December-March: Ndutu, Southern Serengeti 
  • April-May: Grumeti, Western Serengeti 
  • June-July: Seronera, Central Serengeti 
  • July-September / October: Lobo / Kogatende, Northern Serengeti 

The Big Five are the most famous animals in Africa-the elephant, the lion, the leopard, the rhinoceros, and the cape buffalo.

Named for how hard they were to kill, people these days tend to shoot those majestic animals with their cameras instead.

Both the Serengeti and Ngorongoro the boast of the Big Five as a whole, but there are parks where you are more likely to spot other species.

  • Lions: Serengeti's Seronera region, Ngorongoro Crater and Manyara Lake are the best spots to spot lions.
  • Leopards: The Serengeti Seronera area is your best opportunity to see the leopards.
  • Elephants: Tarangire National Park is the home of the largest population of elephants in Tanzania. There are lots of elephants in Ngorongoro Crater too.
  • Cape Buffalo: Best spotted in Ngorongoro Conservation Area is the most common of the Big Five but can be seen in most parks in Tanzania.
  • Rhinoceros: Ngorongoro Crater offers the best chance of seeing the Big Five's most at risk.

It is difficult to find the brightly colored flocks of flamingos since their movements are both seasonal and influenced by water levels and salinity.

Lake Natron is Tanzania's most popular place to see flamingos, but at certain times of the year, they can also be seen at Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Manyara.

In Kenya, Lake Bogoria is generally the best spot to see flamingos in East Africa. Hippos Wallowing hippos on a Tanzania safari are a common (and pungent) sight. The best places to see hippos are Serengeti, Crater Ngorongoro, and Lake.

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